وظائف البنوك

تفاصيل وظائف فى بنك القاهرة

تفاصيل وظائف فى بنك القاهرة

Teller for Banque du Caire

Job purpose :
Teller is a front-line employee, and he is one of the first points of contact between the customer and the bank, which makes it imperative that he maintain his cheeky appearance, even under the pressure of work. The primary role of the bank is to provide prompt and efficient cash and non-cash services while adhering to all instructions and procedures followed.

Job Responsibilities:
Receives, reviews and prepares all cash and non-cash transactions for the customer.
works to enhance the flow of cash and non-cash transactions in a tight and flawless manner while feeding the branch’s ATM machines.
Ensures that cash custody and cash deposits are dealt with efficiently and accurately throughout the day.
Monitor the differences in records / cash / reports / different categories of cash and other securities in an appropriate and correct manner to achieve balance in daily financial transactions and eliminate monetary risks.

Review the day-to-day operations, alternately between shippers, to reduce errors and risks and to create team spirit.
Carries out all customer requests within the time allowed and efficiently to achieve customer satisfaction.
Stick to the bank’s policies, procedures, and work guide to implement risk-free operations, obtain a satisfactory evaluation from the inspection and internal control departments, and adhere to banking policies, operational controls and regulatory procedures to ensure the safety and security of the assets of customers and the bank, in accordance with the attached detailed annex.

Adhere to the standards of service quality of Banque du Caire, provide our customers with the highest level of service, and ensure compliance with service standards and full awareness of all banking products and procedures to meet and exceed customer expectations at all times.
Works to increase the customer base by identifying sales opportunities, attracting potential customers, and exerting vigorous efforts in the field of casual selling and marketing of banking products to achieve acceptable contributions to the financial goals of the branch and to promote our alternative channels and inform customers about them to reduce the waiting list in the treasury area and improve the use of electronic bank channels.
Abide by the business charter, abide by all regulations, policies and procedures of Banque du Caire and the Central Bank of Egypt and the relevant laws, protect all tangible and intangible assets of the bank and maintain the confidentiality of clients’ accounts.
Executing all attached tasks in addition to the additional work assigned to him.
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موظف التيلر
يعتبر موظف التيلر وهو تلك الواجهة الامامية أي بنك من البنوك، كما انه من أكثر الموظفين تعاملا مع العملاء داخل البنك، ويقع على عاتقه مظهر البنك الاساسين فهو مسؤول بشكل كبير عن تقديم كل الخدمات التي يحتاجها العميل، واستكمال كل التعاملات المصرفية من سحب وايداع واستبدال العملات وأيضا تحويل الأموال وغيرها من المهام الصعبة التي يقوم بها الموظف.

ان موظف التيلر هو المسؤول عن مراجعة الخزينة الخاصة به، وعليه ان يقوم بالتدقيق عن الرصيد النقدي مع العملات المختلفة الموجودة بداخلها، كما انه يجب عليه أيضا ان يقدم أفضل خدمة يطلبها العميل، كما انها من الوظائف الخطيرة للغاية بسبب التعاملات النقدية الكبيرة التي تكون تحت مسؤوليته، ولكنها تكون سهلة للغاية مع اشخاص اخرين، فكل ذلك يعتمد فقد على التركيز الشديد من الموظف، وذلك لان كل التعاملات بين التيلر والعميل هي تعاملات مباشرة .